FSO Director reaches for the sky 

FSO Director reaches for the sky 

SGV Financial Services Organization (FSO) Director Ruben D. Simon Jr. celebrated his 10th year as a mountaineer by penning an article titled The Mountains are Calling that was published in the lifestyle section of the Manila Bulletin on 5 January 2020.  

Ben at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro 

Having completed over 100 expeditions, Ben has extensive mountaineering experience covering major peaks and sierras around the world. He shares three important lessons he learned after successfully reaching the summits of Mount Makiling in Laguna, Mount Pulag in Benguet and Mount Halcon in Mindoro. First, respect the mountain and take nothing but pictures when hiking. Second, never underestimate the unpredictable alpine climate and bring proper equipment. Third, hikers must mentally prepare themselves to face rough terrain and extreme temperatures. He emphasizes that successful mountaineering does not solely depend on strength but also on perseverance and endurance.  

As an advocate of responsible mountaineering, Ben asks readers to help conserve and protect mountain ecosystems for future generations. He also encourages others to heed the call of the mountains and explore the wonders that the Philippine landscape has to offer.  

To read Ben’s full article, go to https://lifestyle.mb.com.ph/2020/01/07/the-mountains-are-calling1/  

This feature was written with the permission of the Manila Bulletin, where the article was first published. The Manila Bulletin retains all rights to the article. 

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